The Berlinale Winners
Black Coal, Thin Ice
In the past 10 days I was in war in Afghanistan (In between Worlds), in India with a couple of Bavarians (Amma & Appa), robbed a bank (The Dog) and sat in one room with George Clooney (Press Conference). I saw 37 films in the 10 Berlinale days and as you can imagine I’m pretty buggered.
The Internaional Berlin Film Festival was a movie marathon and also demanded high emotional intensity from me. Because with each new film you dive into a new world. And if everything goes well and the audience can really identify with the characters the stories don’t simply happen to them on screen, but also to those watching.
So the film spectacle swollowed me whole and then spit me back out into the real world yesterday. Now I’m trying to comprehend what happened to me, make meaning out of what I saw and survived.