One Night in Slut Paulo

One Night in Slut Paulo

photo: Andre Ligeiro

The wild colorful Carnival might be over in Brazil but I want to introduce you to a place where the carnal sins don’t need glitter or costumes to be celebrated during night and day: Sao Paulo. Maybe New York never sleeps but Sao Paulo never stops to fuck. The two times in my life I have been to Sao Paulo I felt every time like falling through Dantes Inferno and seeing devils, demons, witches and pagan gods celebrating love and lust to their fullest. This megalopolis, this biggest city in the whole South American continent is a safe haven for the artists, the crazies, the queers, the rockers and everybody else who does not want to conform to religious rules or a closed minded society.

But wait! What about Berlin you might say? Well, of course the apple of sins in the neighbor’s garden looks always more delicious. While Paulistas and Brazilians in general love the open mindedness and carelessness Berliners tend to have towards sex and sexual relationships I definitely enjoyed the way Paulistas flirted and interacted with each other. Much more warm and friendly, still carnal and maybe even more body-centered then in Berlin.

Last time, three years ago, I danced inside an abandoned skyscrapers turned into a cultural center in the middle of the city. This time around I visited a former brothel turned into a night club called L’Amour. A place that is so small that most part of the party crowd is actually enjoying and celebrating each other on the street in front of it. Fortunately, there were a couple of photographers taking shots of the crowd (that enjoyed their presence while posing to the death).

Have a look on how the wild kids in Sau Paulo enjoy their nights and let’s hope for some good street parties in a much more warmer Berlin soon, too.

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Strange Magic VI: Happy Kater

Strange Magic VI: Happy Kater

photo: Eylül Aslan

The next story from our Strange Magic series is probably the most sexual one. And sure, a lot of Berlin’s magic has to do with the sexual intrepidness and insatiable appetite of the inhabitants. Did we call Berlin a slut? Several times! But did we ever tell you how the slutty daily live of the Berliners look like? Not so much for now. Thankfully the story Happy Kater submitted by blogger and author Kevin Junk introduces innocent souls like us to the dark waters of the gay piranha pool that is Möbel Olfe on a Thursday night and the morning after. To read his story, you have to continue in German.
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Why is Berlin such a slut?

Why is Berlin such a slut?

This city seems to have a strong and sometimes very violent sexual language. People here are more ashamed of having a normal sex life than they are for having the craziest fetishes. The Berlin nightlife is more explicit than anywhere else and if you don’t follow the rules you are out of the (im)moral code. Why is Berlin such a slut? To find the answer to this question please follow me after the jump.

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