Festival Season is back on track after a long covid break. This year we would love to introduce you to some festivals in Europe that might not have been on your bucket list yet. The Mallorca Live-Festival promises beach fun and electronic music highlights far away from the ordinary.
While other years we like to feature festivals around or in Berlin, this year with new travel opportunities we wanted to look a bit further out of our usual geographic radius. That is why we got super excited about the upcoming invitation for the Mallorca Live Festival.
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by Claudio | Events, Music, Party, Travel
photo: Neil H / CC.
When I travel to foreign continents and get asked where I am from, my answer is often: “I am from Europe”. I never really thought about what this means until the Brexit vote. It’s not that I don’t want to say that I am from Germany (because whoever asks is probably going to demand a more precise answer anyway and I will give it). It’s not a lack of national pride; it’s more a sense of international unity within my own continent. I am happy to be German, but I am proud to be from Europe. Being born and raised in an isolated country like the GDR, the sense of freedom after the reunification was amazing.
I grew into an adult benefiting from the bond that the European countries had formed with one another after being in conflict for centuries. For me this became the status quo. I could travel, study, live and work in all of the other countries without problems, which many of my class mates actually did, going to France or the UK after school. When many of the countries even started to share one currency it became even more united. Going to Madrid or to Rome over the weekend to visit friends or just have a good time, this no longer felt like taking a vacation in a foreign country. It felt like something else…
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by Frank | Stories, Travel
photo: Irene Cruz
As they say: one of the best things about living in Berlin is that you feel like traveling around the world in one city. And on this trip of discovering new cultures, finally, we are ready to take you on a journey through the artsy Spanish side of Berlin. After The Best Spanish Restaurants, we are going to unravel the most creative side of our culture presenting you some really cool creative Spanish people that have chosen Berlin to thrive. Enjoy!
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by Amanda Artiaga | People
Oh, Spain…How to describe you? Besides everything, Spain is a country that keeps charming and surprising both its new visitors and its inhabitants. Envied because of the weather, admired for its historical, cultural and artistic legacy and desired for it’s rich, healthy and extremely varied gastronomy, Spain never leaves you indifferent. That’s why if you are a Spaniard like me, you’ll find yourself missing the smells, the flavors and the warmth of the country that you have left behind. So if you are feeling the weight of the nostalgia bringing you down or just asking yourself how did you end up in this cold and rainy (but always amazing) city, here we have put together some great places that will, hopefully, make you feel a little bit like home. And of course, don’t forget to make a toast ¡salud!
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by Amanda Artiaga | Bars, Kreuzberg, Mitte, Neukölln, Restaurants