How Does Art Taste? – The Mumm Art Yard for Gallery Weekend 2018

How Does Art Taste? – The Mumm Art Yard for Gallery Weekend 2018


The ultimate hot spot of the Gallery Weekend Berlin is Potsdamer Straße where many well-known galleries have settled in over the last years. The art scene has become buzzing and vibrant between the odd contrasts of Kurfürstenstraße and Wintergarten Varieté. Sometimes though, I am a bit upset that the whole artsy society is quiet elitist and closed towards an interested but maybe not so involved public.

I wonder: How can we deal with contemporary art in a more participatory and open-hearted way? During the upcoming Gallery Weekend Mumm Sekt is trying a new approach. The German sparkling wine company opened a pop-up Art Yard on Potsdamer Platz in collaboration with artist Daniel Egnéus. Egnéus, who is best known for his watercolor illustrations, has designed three Mumm Art Editions this year.

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