Berlin, after the Party

Berlin, after the Party

So, this is pretty much how you can imagine how the young and hip in Berlin areas such as Neukölln live nowadays. Altbau with Dielen, of course, well, unless you got lucky and got an apartment in the Plattenbau across from Hasenheide. Sparsely decorated, like you don’t really care. Always the air of an afterparty from the previous weekend in the room. The dinner table littered with alcohol bottles, the cheap stuff of course. The bathroom is lit with candles because you don’t know how to fix the lamp without getting electrocuted. Clothes on the floor because your one Ikea rack is full / no more free wire coat hangers from the dry cleaners. Tattoos and/or piercings are mandatory – there cannot be too many. Everything is tinted in a grey haze because it looks cooler this way. Praise the gloominess, praise the I-don’t-care, praise headache pills. If mom thinks the place is a mess she can clean the fuck up herself.

At least this is the picture drawn by director John Lee Siebert in his little film that he shot in a local apartment and rooftop for  music act Submerse released by Berlin-based label Project: Mooncircle. What do you think? How spot on is he with his impression of the Berlin lifestyle? Well, maybe leave the dramatic plot twist toward the end of the short film out of the equation 😉 Enjoy the cool video after the jump.

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