The Weekly Event Guide

painting by Amit Elan

There is something about Friday the 13th you could say because the majority of this week’s events is taking place on that day. This would be a perfect candidate for a scandalous cover story: One night – TEN parties, haha! Anyone interested? Find out how to spend the week and what all the options are for Friday after the jump…

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Another Week


Even though my computer broke and my iPhone got stolen (again!) I somehow survived this weekend of being disconnected and managed to put another event guide together for you this week. And once again it’s quite the colorful mix of parties, alternative movie screenings and exhibitions. The events after the jump.

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The Colorful Week

Mind Gardens, Mutations and R/evolution

Finally there are enough events going on again in Berlin again to able to put together the weekly eventguide. The last few weeks were so empty due to the holidays. This week we are starting strong with another edition of the great new Cinéma party before it get’s very arty toward the end of the weeks with many cool exhibitions and art parties. After the jump you’ll find all the events.

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