Cinematic Treasures of Berlinale 2017

Cinematic Treasures of Berlinale 2017

Filmstill: Welt am Draht

The startling cold of February in Berlin has returned, and with it comes the 67th edition of the Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin, also known as the Berlinale or Berlin Film Festival. The festival begins February 9th and runs through the 19th. As with every year’s edition, there are an overwhelming number of screenings to choose from, even though most bigger-name titles tend to sell out of public tickets at alarming rates. Nevertheless, there are plenty of lesser-known titles worth your time. Guest Author Maximilien Proctor highlights a few of his most anticipated pictures (but don’t let it discourage you from seeking screenings even further off the beaten path!).

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Serie/ous Addiction: Spies in Berlin

Serie/ous Addiction: Spies in Berlin

photo: Berlin Station / EPIX

No matter how hard to believe it might prove to be at first, Berlin has hosted the shooting of a variety of tv shows and films, from unknown indies to massive, Hollywood blockbusters, such as Inglorious Basterds and Hunger Games. It is very hard to describe the feeling of watching your beloved city on camera being the centre of a plot that has very little in common with the way you choose to spend your time in the German capital. Here are my favorite picks, when it comes to tv shows and films worthy of binge-watching, that have been shot to a great extent or even entirely in Berlin. Make sure you share with us your opinion/suggestions on the comment section below.

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Serie/ous Addiction: Orange is the new Black

Serie/ous Addiction: Orange is the new Black

I started to share my passion for TV shows here about a year ago but I somehow never got around to continue what I had started. But my latest addiction finally made me come back to it because it’s simply too good to not share it.

Orange is the new Black might sound a bit strange as a title, but it’s acutally the best new series that I have seen in quite a while now! It’s written by Jenji Kohan, who also created another beloved show of mine called Weeds, and it’s one of those shows that I would heartly recommend to just anyone regardless of their taste in TV shows because I consider this pretty accessable and likeable for everyone who has a brain, a heart and sense of humor. Find out more about it and watch a trailer after the jump.

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A Trailer Party

A Trailer Party

It was way too hot to go to the movies and I was too addicted to New Girl (not advisable when apartment hunting – simply nobody can keep up with those roommates) to watch exciting DVDs. So all I can offer is a little Trailer Party with beautiful, exciting and hopefully good films and some namedropping: Pedro Almodovar, Ryan Gosling, Antonio Banderas, Nicolas Winding Refn, Kristin Scott Thomas...

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