Listening to music with Turmspringer

Listening to music with Turmspringer

Turmspringer are one of the important acts of Berlin’s underground Techno and House scene. Although they are regularly playing in several big clubs in Europe, they never missed to come back to their mother’s kitchen to please Berlin’s spoiled and electrifying audience. Here they still attend one-of-a-kind industrial backyard parties and Berlin’s most wanted after-hours.

However, electronic music is not all Robert Galic (alias Edgar Peng aka RAS) and Tim Brüggemann (alias Didier de la Boutique) care about. In fact, both are interested in a great variety of music, and they are deeply rooted in Funk & Soul, Jazz and Afro Beat.

In our interview with Robert from Turmspringer we have talked about music by David Bowie, M.I.A., Foremost Poets, Marvin Gaye and One Hand.

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Late Summer Party Guide

” Legs ” by Julia Luka Lila Nitzschke

Welcome to our late party summer guide for the October weekend! I keep telling Australian people who recently moved to Berlin about the horrible winter and they don’t belive me – how would they. Enjoy the sun before diving into the deep world of Berlin winter clubbing. Until then, a selection of this weekend’s parties – but you might just skip them all and spend the weekend at some lake…joke! Parties after the jump:

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I can’t recall when and where I saw Turmspringer for first time. Presumably, it was at the Golden Gate. Since then I have experienced them quite often at this and at other venues. At some point it became clear to me that if Turmspringer is playing at a party, it can’t be a bad party. More information and an interview with Edgar Peng (Robert) and Didier de la Boutique (Tim) after the click.

If you want to see Turmspringer performing, you shouldn’t miss Fuck me now and love me later on April 17 at Arena Club.

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