projektGalerie Fashion Week Party Photos

projektGalerie Fashion Week Party Photos

The Dandy Diary party was actually not the only Fashion Week opening party that we went to. We also made it to the projektGalerie opening party, one of the dinosaurs of Berlin Fashion Week and always a reliable option. This time it took place at new Urban Spree gallery in Friedrichshain. We really liked the place, the party as well. And if you have the chance go to the designer sale that takes place there until Sunday, they have amazing pieces from local and international designers strongly reduced. Check out the photos of the party after the jump.

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The Weekly Event & Party Guide

The Weekly Event & Party Guide

The week there are three events happening on the weekend that we are involved in: On Friday our movie girl Lia celebrates the opening party of her Kreuzberg Kalender project, on Saturday I will be a guest speaker at the Networking Brunch of Artconnect Berlin and on Sunday VisitSweden will release a book about Stockholm and Gothenburg where Claudio contributed some photos and texts. There are also some exciting fashion events going on during the week. Check out the events after the jump.

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