photo: Ulrich Seidl, from the series Paradise Love (2012)
Next to the retrospective Post Scriptum by Christer Strömholm, C|O Berlin also recently opened another, smaller exhibition by director Ulrich Seidl. On Febuary 10th 2013 at 16h the exhibition will be accompanied by a special performance where Seidl interviews four protagonists from his film trilogy Paradise. Check out a preview of the exhibition after the jump.
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by Jens | Art
Vienna! City of my student years. I spent nearly six years there, studied, suffered, enjoyed and loved. Last weekend I went back to meet friends and their newborns, drink Viennese Melange and wander through the beautiful streets. I had four amazing days, with sunshine and spring-like temperatures that showed Vienna at its best. Also at its best is the Danube city in the many films it stars in, because really it is always more than just the location…
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by Lia | Movies