photos: Red Rubber Road.
One of our Uncensored Berlin artist duos has come out with a photo series that could not be more fitting for our current situation. It was actually done years before the pandemic and is part of the ongoing project Red Rubber Road by photographers AnaHell and Nathalie Dreier.
Back in 2018 Ana suffered from a serious illness and was kept in quarantine in the infectious disease isolation ward at the military hospital in Berlin for several weeks. Visitors had to wear protective gear which created quite the nightmarish atmosphere. This also inspired the idea to continue their Red Rubber Road series right there in the isolation ward on one of Nathalie’s visits. The staged self-portraits have a quite playful and humorous vibe which helped them to lighten up the oppressive mood.
The artists decided to release the series in light of the current situation to show the optimism that creativity can provide during moments of disease and isolation.
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by Frank | Art, Photos
photo: Spyros Rennt.
For iHeartBerlin, queer nightlife has always been a major part of the city experience. That’s why we are very excited about the upcoming group photography exhibition “DISCOnstruction”, featuring some of our favorite photographers that you may be familiar with from our exhibition “UNCENSORED BERLIN”.
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by Michalina | Photos
The idea of watching porn films with strangers in a public screening might sound a bit wild at first, but as I’ve learned at our darkroom screenings during last year’s Uncensored Berlin exhibition at Blogfabrik it’s actually kinda thrilling. I’m not talking about some seedy sex kino thingy here but a proper official movie screening. I was surprised how patiently the guests of the exhibition sat quietly and curiously watching the entire length of almost an hour of the two films we showed by Noel Alejandro and Poppy Sanchez. Sometimes the entire darkroom was full of people watching.
I imagine the QueerPornScreening at Schwuz that is opening their Plastic club night to be similar, but even bigger. Certainly, the selection of films will be similar as I’ve also seen Noel Alejandro billed as one of the directors and that’s always a good sign. The curation of the screening is done by Pierre Emö, also not unfamiliar to guests of Uncensored Berlin because he was one of our muses. He’s appeared in multiple films by Noel Alejandro as well as Pornceptual. So he certainly knows what’s good!
If you’re up for some arousing, but tasteful – even artistic – films about queer sexuality you should certainly check out this screening. The next QueerPornScreening is already this Friday at 21h. The highlight will certainly be the premiere of Noel Alejandro’s new film Under The Rain that was filmed here in Berlin at an abandoned building. We’ve gathered a few trailers for you to whet your appetite.
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by Frank | Movies