Disco Mystix Foam Party at Stattbad

Disco Mystix Foam Party at Stattbad Wedding

At first I was a bit sceptical about the foam thing at the latest Disco Mystix party at Stattbad Wedding, but when I dove into it myself the sight of the happy (and horny) people dancing in it changed my mind. At the end of the night I was soaking wet and my right arm was aching because I had to hold my camera really high over my head to prevent it from going under with me in the foam… More after the bubble.

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The Urban Excursion

Urban Affairs extended 2009

Last Sunday I finally came around taking a trip to the former Stadtbad Wedding to see the Urban Affairs extended exhibition. Actually I was planning to take a look at the Monster workshop, but when I arrived I had to learn that it had been canceled. So the more time I had to visit the exhibition. Last year’s Urban Affairs already had a stunning location that I thought couldn’t be any more perfect for displaying street art: the former brewery Friedrichshöhe at Landsberger Allee, also home to PHB Club and Villa. This year’s location has a totally different but equally intriguing vibe to it. While there were brickwalls, cement columns and dark cellars in the last exhibition there are now tiled walls, locker rooms and an empty pool.

While I was waiting for the second floor and the pool area to be opened I took a little tour around the neighborhood where some of the artists partaking at Urban Affairs created some new pieces of street art in the urban wilderness that is Wedding. The exhibition will be open until the end of the month. Check the event schedule here. See some of my impressions of this little field trip and from the exhibition after the jump.

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Urban Affairs Opening & Fashion Week After Party

Urban Affairs Extended & Fashion Week After Party at Stattbad Wedding

So, it looks like the Stattbad Wedding is really developing into something hot! Only a few parties and the club is full with just the right kind of people. Like last Saturday for the opening party of the Urban Affairs extended exhibition and the after party of the Berlin Fashion Week. Look after the jump for more.

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Urban Affairs at Stattbad


JUST / just.ekosystem.org

If you think this week is only about fashion in Berlin you are wrong! Because tomorrow the Urban Affairs Extended Street Art Festival will open at Stattbad Wedding. We saw this last summer at Brauerei Friedrichshöhe and it was pretty amazing. The new location is also very promising as I have already experience a cool party there a few weeks back.

Some of Berlin’s most popular street artists will take part in this big group show, including Anton Unai, Nomad, El Bocho and Alias, as well as international street art hero Banksy. Go after the jump to see the full schedule. You can win tickets for the official party on Saturday here.

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The One-Night-Marriage

Halleluja Party at L32

If Britney can do it, we can do it! Being married for one night is quite the rage we hear. That’s probably why the L32 took the one-night-marriage as their theme and invited willing brides and grooms into their house for a wedding party of a special kind. Halleluja! More photos after the jump.

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Art and Party at Stadtbad Wedding


photo by Jessi Svahn

On Saturday the finissage and afterparty of No Sugar For My Monkey took place at Stadtbad Wedding, a former swimming pool located in Gerichtsstrasse in Wedding, that is now used as a space for artists. This great industrial labyrinth-like location with numerous hidden rooms is unique and you shouldn’t miss upcoming exhibitions and parties at this place if you want to soak up the industrial charm that used to be typical for Berlin but has become rare during the past years. Stadtbad Wedding is easy to reach with the Ringline and as it is located directly in Wedding it comes with a hefty amount of street credibility. Take a look at the pictures coming after the jump.

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