The Weekly Event Guide

The Weekly Event Guide

Gossip by Rankin

This week we have some awesome concerts by Gossip and Bombay Bicycle Club, a wonderful vintage pop-up store, another Blitz party and an asburd SciFi trash movie about Nazis from the moon. Have a look at this week’s eventguide, after the jump.

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The Weekend Party Guide ( A Berliner is relaxed )

The Weekend Party Guide ( A Berliner is relaxed )

Raz Ohara

Last week a hysterical, very very fat person ( oops ) saw me queing on the loo of some club and, out of nothing, slapped my face slightly saying: I hate you. I was like yeah whatever, what is your problem anyway. She said where she comes from ( San Francisco ), people don’t have that attitude, like, they smile. You don’t want to know my answer, promise, but this is just one incident of a dozen that I have been a witness of over the years. In another Club I saw this dude trying to get into a conversation with a meanwhile quite famous female MTV presenter who didn’t really answer him cause he was drunk and not too attractive I guess. He then called her ugly bitch and sl.t and stuff like that. I mean, come on guys. Even if Berlin is a place that doesn’t seem to have any boundaries, we may not be the friendliest people of this earth, but we let others do their thing. Here you can be whatever you want to, heto, gay, a slut, bi, trans, weird, an Emo, ugly, a virgin, a hand model, a hipster, a freak, even a country boy or a conservative, or a law student: we don’t care. But don’t be surprised if a Berliner doesn’t smile. It’s not in his nature. Fun parties for friendly ( means relaxed ) people after the jump: Read on…

The Weekend Party Guide ( Pussyschnee )

There it is fresh and tight, our weekend party guide. I take back what I said last time (the part about the cold only), it is fucking freezing, I can’t stand it no longer and I want to kill my Australian friends who freak happily about the snow. Yeah nice. But it’s my job to somehow make you feel interested enough in party life to not stay at home with a cup of tea and the cat on your lap. Let’s see what we got and if it works right after the jump: Read on…