Goodbye, Tempelhof – Berlin Festival Moves to Arena Park

Goodbye, Tempelhof – Berlin Festival Moves to Arena Park

OH. MY. GOD. I’m so relieved that after all those years I can finally blurt it out without being unsupportive of Berlin’s own precious music festival: I HATED Tempelhof as the venue for the Berlin Festival. I don’t know why, I totally love Tempelhof for all the exhibitions and trade shows. But for some reason for the festival it never worked for me. Too big, to annonymous, horrible sound, and it always seemed a bit too empty to create a real buzzing atmosphere. And how inconvenient that they had to stop playing music quite early in the night because of the noise complaints from the neighbors.

So when the news broke a couple of days ago that Berlin Festival was moving to Arena Park I was actually excited about it. I’m sure people will have all sorts of ideas why this happened. I can recommend an interesting read over at our friends from Mit Vergnügen where Berlin Festival booker Stefan Lehmkuhl talks about the reasons for the move and the newly founded Arena Park area. After the jump you can get a little overview of the new festival grounds at the Spree that you can see for yourself live from September 5-7, 2014.

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The Weekly Art Guide

by Maria Brunner in Face / OFF, Galerie Gebrüder Lehmann

Bonjour everyone! This week, Berlin’s weather couldn’t be worse, but fortunately there are lots of events inviting us to forget the world outside: The Mindpirates are celebrating with Lionel Williams and Raz Ohara, Jorinde Voigt shows works from the last seven years and several group shows are opening. Finally, a Sunday flea market enables a perfect escape from both hangover and the rain. While Frank enjoys the Paris Fashion Week and travels around the globe, I will do my best acting for him as your iHeartBerlin art guide for the next six weeks. See my first guide after the jump…

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The Weekly Event Guide

Fango by Dietmar Walther, at Neurotitan

This week starts big with those few Halloween parties that took the timing a bit more serious. On Wednesday we have a re-opening of an old familiar party in a brand new club, on Thursday we’ll also meet an old familiar dinner club coming back to life, while Friday and Saturday are an eclectic mix of music, art, fashion and parties. The details after the jump.

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