Celebrating Christo’s Work in Berlin

Celebrating Christo’s Work in Berlin

© Christo, Photo: Wolfgang Volz

Christo’s Wrapped Reichstag was the first piece of contemporary art that I remember encountering as a child. The image of the building wrapped in silver textile has stayed in my head since then. But what’s impressive is that I didn’t see the installation happening live. Instead I remember seeing it on a picture on a wall of an Italian restaurant in Berlin. A place we casually went to with my parents as we visited the city. The photography was even signed by the artist himself. My parents took notice of it and told me the whole story.

Last summer Christo created Floating Piers in northern Italy. It was the first piece of his art I saw going viral in social media. Maybe the dynamic of communications has changed dramatically over the years, but I guess that Christo still is one of the few artists that can create such a large scale impact in our daily communication and visuality.

I am kind of sad because I probably won’t ever see a piece of his art happening in Berlin again, since his artworks are always unique and temporary. But what we can do to enjoy more of his art is taking a deeper look into the process of creation by checking out the books about his the art published by Taschen.

Below you will find some more impressions of the book called Wrapped about the Reichstag wrapping.

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