It’s a Disco Mystery


Here is the weekend’s party programme for those of you who have been waiting for it like a cat on hot bricks. If you think about going to Scala, be prepared for some body to body action with strangers, because last Saturday it has been so crowded, people told me they thought they’d get mashed like a banana. This is probably because the news of Scala’s closing has now reached all of you and it seems every single person now wants to go there. Even those who will go there for the first time are later gonna say that they went to Scala every weekend and Scala will be a myth like the Rio already is.

On Friday another very French Disco Mystix party is up. After a successful night with really good music at Picknick, this time it’s getting mystical at Scala with Heartbreak live and Les Titz Grands also live and Emil doesn’t drive, Total Eclipse of the heart and more more more. Oh, there is a dresscode, look at the flyer to read more about it. Before the party you should go and visit the Scala gallery from 7 pm and get some art, you philistine! More parties after the jump.

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