photo: Jens Passoth
To the misfortune of our hips this store is right next to our Friedrichshain headquarter. So everytime we leave or come home we have to pass by these little sinners. And they are hard to resist. I’m talking about cupcakes – made and served by this lovely lady (photo above). They have them in a variety of flavors from chocolate to coconut, carrot and vanilla with all sorts of toppings. Delicious! They even have vegan and gluten-free ones. In their charming little shop they serve not only cupcakes but also coffee and Chai tea and other types of delicious cakes such as cheesecake, brownies and banana.
We heart cupcakes! More infos and pictures after the jump!
Krossener Str. 12
10245 Berlin-Friedrichshain
Open daily 12-20h