This is one of our favorite restaurants. The Schneeweiß is located a bit aloof from the Simon-Dach-Straße in Friedrichshain, but although it is a bit hidden it has become quite popular amongst Berlin’s hip-crowd. They serve what they call Alpine Cuisine and in addition to their regular menu they have a quite extensive menu of the day, which is something we love about this place. You can go there every day and always have something new on the menu. We recommend the “Saftgulasch” from the regular menu, it’s just delicious. From the menu of the day everything was great that we had so far, so whatever you order you can be sure they’ll serve something that will delight you. We also like the red “Hauswein”, although I don’t remember its name, I just know it’s an Italian from the Veneto region.
Althoug the place looks a bit expensive it is far from it and we already wonder how they do it. The main courses with meat are between 10 and 14,50 EUR and vegetarian dishes start around 8 EUR. They also have a selection of cakes, torten and excellent desserts. More photos and infos after the jump.
Schneeweiß Alpenküche
Simplonstr. 16
10245 Berlin
Make sure to make a reservation on Friday and Saturday evening, otherwise it can be hard to get a table.
[gmap map:2]