First advent Party Guide

Gang Gang Dance

WTF! It’s time to light a candle AGAIN. Christmas is approaching, urgh. This last November week and the upcoming month is full of concerts we don’t want to miss. Not to speak of the parties we want to attend. It won’t help, you will need an ( hangovered ) extra shift at the supermarket or coffee shop you are working at to be able to afford all these joyable events. Of course you should have a look on our Facebook page too, you might be able to win something. Parties after the jump:


Duo Trickski all night long at Mimomitte club Cookies. HipHop in the Dream Lounge though!


Gang Gang Dance live at Berghain tomorrow at 9 pm!

Noisekölln – Neukölln will never be nice as long as there is stuff like this. Noisekölln presents the tape release of Sun Worship, having been discovered ” in a dingy basement, where they proceeded to desecrate our ear drums with their relentless and soaring take on black metal…” Have a look at Sun Worship and the other bands playing at The Zone, Reuterstr. 95, 5 Euro!

Stattbad is presently planning an internal Multimedia Lab: Stattmedia. It will be the melting pot of diverse disciplines between live acts, cutting-edge styling in music and advanced media. The combination of music, interactivity, generative art and new technology opens a wide new field in user’s live experience, dance – hungry fellows will have fun, too. Gerichtstr. in Wedding!

When there is a party in Prenzlauer Berg nowadays, it’s like it was in Wilmersdorf – absolute rare stuff! Proud Mag has a party in the old bunker near Hufelandstr. Y’all be as quiet as possible, we don’t want to make them happy well situated Prenzl Berg families angry, don’t we? With several  (unknown ) djs who surely play electro, all the young Raver’s heart is longing for. Greifswalder 23a!


Within the Visions European Tour, Brenmar from New York, Melé from Liverpool and Dillon Francis from L.A. are playing at Prince Charles with local support by the Sick Girls and we have 2×2 tickets for you to win on our Facebook fan page, have a look. The regular tickets are 10 Euro, you find Prince Charles at Prinzenstr. 85 F!

The exciting Mille girls are playing a dj set at Kreuzberg fag bar Barbie Deinhoffs!

Polanski Disco at The Sameheads store. Italo pure with Antoni Maiovi, Paulo Chinatown and more, Richardstr. !

All That Glitters at Farbfernseher with Kreuzberg kiddos Micu, Alex Pleitier, Paulo Chinatown, discotime!

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