The Weekly Event Guide

painting by Amit Elan

There is something about Friday the 13th you could say because the majority of this week’s events is taking place on that day. This would be a perfect candidate for a scandalous cover story: One night – TEN parties, haha! Anyone interested? Find out how to spend the week and what all the options are for Friday after the jump…

Tuesday, Jan 10

Movie night at bar/restaurant/cafe Die Wohngemeinschaft at Bänschstr. 73 in Fhain. Theme for tonight is Travel and the movies The Darjeeling Limited, Into The Wild and Borat will be shown. Starts at 21h.

Wednesday, Jan 11

After numerous guest performances around the world, among others at the Festival “Politik im freien Theater 2008” in Cologne, and the prize of the Goethe-Institute, the Dorky Park piece Hell On Earth by Constanza Macras is now back in Berlin once more at the stage of HAU 1 on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 19:30h. Stresemannstr. 29.

Mobile Kino at Naherholungssternchen, Berolinastr. 7 with screenings of The Antics Roadshow – A Documentary About Anarchy by Banksy and How to Start a Revolution – A Documentary on non-violent revolution starting at 20:30h.

Shade at Flamingo with DJ sets by Rodeo and Akai. Starts 23:30 at Kleine Präsidentenstrasse at Monbijoupark.

Thursday, Jan 12

For their second Networking Breakfast Artconnect Berlin is presenting art blogger Eva Kazcor and her awesome new art guide ArtBerlin at Agora Café, Mittelweg 5 in Neukölln, starting at 10h in the morning. Reserve here if you want to join.

Opening event of the British Shorts film festival at HBC, Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 9, at 20h, with Dj Foxy Boxer No 1. The festival then will screen its movies at Sputnik Kino at Südstern, Hasenheide 54 from Friday to Monday. Check out the program here.

Friday, Jan 13

Ok, so the Friday is a bit of a marathon this time… First a little sum-up of a view art events: Tape Modern is celebrating its 4th anniversary today. The big group show Transient Museum is celebrating its opening at Freies Museum Berlin. Neurotitan Gallery is opening their new show Laub. And the Argus Fotokunst Gallery is opening the solo photography exhibition of Cristina Piza. The KW is finally raffeling off the artwork of their fundraiser art raffle that has been on view since December.

Young Isreal-born and Berlin-based artist Amit Elan is opening his new solo show of amazingly vibrant paintings at AKA Gallery at Pflügerstr. 6 in Neukölln, starting at 20h.

Berlin-based band Kool Thing is celebrating the release of their brand new music video to Light Games directed by Claire Kurylowski at S&yM, Mainzerstr. 58 in Neukölln starting at 21h.

TGA is presenting a Lecture on flirting with music by Nomad and food by Beaner. At Merkezi, Adalbert Str. 5/6a, starting at 22h.

Another Blitz Party taking place at Horst Kreuzberg, Tempelhofer Ufer 1, starting at 23h, this time with DJ Joey Hansom.

One of the Tigeress DJs is celebrating their birthday in the shape of a Horror Costume Party. Come dressed as your worst nightmare! The Ballad of AC Casey takes place at Wowsville Records, Ohlauer Str. 33, starting at 22h.

Saturday, Jan 14

Kaleidoskop Gallery on Boddinstr. 7 is opening Equinox – a phatastic new exhibition of experimental photographer and film maker Moritz Uebele, at 20h. The exhibition runs until January 28th, 2012.

The Rhythm of Life, Cristina Piza

Kool Thing “Light Games”

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<a href="" target="_self">Frank</a>



Frank is the founder and editor-in-chief of iHeartBerlin. He takes photos, makes videos, and writes texts mostly about what's going on in Berlin. His vision and interests have shaped iHeartBerlin since its conception back in 2007 - and he hopes to continue bringing you the best of Berlin for many years to come.