photo by Bruce La Bruce
This week has many things to offer once again: creative workshops, short film screenings, big art openings, jamming sessions and much more! Have a look after the jump.
Tuesday, Mar 20
The Mobile Kino is making a stop at the Naherholungssternchen at Berolinastr. 7 to show an evening of short films by big directors including Spielberg, Tarantino, von Trier, Scorsese, Anderson and Nolan. Starts at 20:30h.
Wednesday, Mar 21
Atelier Überall is hosting a Contemporary Jewellery Workshop each Wednesday for 170 EUR (incl. materials and use of tools) until the end of April from 18-22h. Oppelnstr. 12. Register by writing to
Mindpirates are giving an encore screening of their Sundance 2012 film night. Starts at 19:30, Schlesische Str. 38.
Shade at Flamingo is graced with a DJ set by Bruce La Bruce. Kleine Präsidentenstr at Monbinjoupark, 23h.
Thursday, Mar 22
The Martin-Gropius-Bau is opening a new bis group exhibiton titles ArtandPress showing how artists such as Daniel Richter, Jörg Immendorff, Andy Warhol, Joseph Beuys and many other big names use newspaper as their material. The exhibition opens to the public at 22h and runs until June 24, 2012, Niederkirchnerstr. 7.
Friday, Mar 23
Raz O’Hara is jamming on stuff with his buddies in the Mindpirates Living Room, starting at 21h, Schlesische Str. 38.
Saturday, Mar 24
Playtime Porn Farm at HBC. Starting with a session of Joey Hansom’s Magazine Surgery collage workshop, and make-up by Katja Domingez. Starts at 21h. Later on Namosh and Uhoh live. Dresscode: Animal.
Sunday, Mar 25
The Strickenbar is having a Jazzy edition at Helmuth Kohl bar, Emserstr. 122/123, from 18-23h.