HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2012 is gone and 2013 probably begins with a horrific hangover for most of us. New years baked goods with jam, painkillers and a day in bed with some films will help get through the day in less agony. Usually one keeps dozing off and isn’t really into following a complex story on these days, thus all art house films are not a great pick. Also party films or basically any films that include scenes of drinking or feature a chain smoking character aren’t the right choice. This selection doesn’t leave all too many films to choose from. Here’s my little selection for hangover days…
Night on Earth (D: Jim Jarmusch, USA 1991)
Anthology films seem to have been invented for hangover days. You can fall asleep and continue watching 25 minutes later and still follow the story. Jarmusch’s film is funny and charming, and will go nicely with the mood swings one might experiece after a days of drunken madness.
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex * But Were Afraid to Ask (D: Woody Allen, USA 1972)
If this is a good choice might also be dependant on who is lying next to you. Then again Woody Allen is always a fairly safe bet and this anthology film – the satirical adaptation of the best selling sex education book – is quite hillarious. Among those questions discussed here are: „ What is sodomie?“, „Are transsexuals homosexual?“ and „What happens at ejaculation?“ And when the little sperms refuse to jump because they are afraid of landing in a condom, each one will laugh the hangover away.
Moulin Rouge (D: Baz Luhrmann, AU/UK/USA 2001)
They sing, they dance, the love story is mostly predictable and one can simply watch the pompeous ongoings. This Baz Luhrmann romance musical with Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor is perfect for hangover days.
Manta Manta (D: Wolfgang Büld, GER 1991)
For those who just don’t want to or cannot think anymore this classic from 91 is a good choice. Berti (Till Schweiger) drives Manta races and goes through the usual ups and downs with his girlfriend (Tina Ruland). Especially with some alcohol left in your blood stream one is easily amused and the cheap blonde jokes are really quite funny.