To be entirely honest, I haven’t really watched many films over the last few weeks. Summer is finally here and I feel more like hanging out with friends and have a beer outside than to look at a screen for two hours. This feeling of „filmlessness“ is pretty new and somewhat odd, but after I had enough of the beer last week, Friday night was perfect for an easy watching night and so I spent the evening with Sandra Bullock und Melissa McCarthy watching The Heat.
An unusal pick for me, but I’d heard some good things about it and I do enjoy a racy mainstream comedy every once in a while so I thought, why not? The film delivered just what it had promised: fast paced jokes, mainstream characters and some funny scenes. Yet I must admit I was a little disappointed in the end because I had found myself laughing more in an „Are you seriously playing that clichee now?“ way than in a „Thats a great scene!“ way. Also it had its lengths and parts that felt to take for eternity, but those scenes were probably intended to be funny or simply had to be there for the very dull plot.
Still I don’t regret watching it, it was a Friday night well spent. However possibly just because of the energy I could release the Saturday that followed…