It’s become a bit of an annual tradition by now at this time of the year: On Friday the SKYY VODKA SWAP MARKET takes place at the beautiful Stadtbad Oderberger. This big charity event is already in it’s fifth year and it’s the fourth year that my Designer Scouts partner Gina and I are hosting it. The swap spot at Pappelallee 69, where people can submit their own vintage pieces in exchange for a swap voucher for the market, is already running hot and the donations of brand new designer pieces by local and national fashion labels are also pouring in. We have some amazing stuff already that is only waiting for you to be swapped or purchased, for example by big designers such as Dawid Tomaszewksi, who is one of our two main hosts, Michalsky, Guido Maria Kretschmer, but also from Berlin brands such as Blame, Tiedeken, Franzius and Liebig. A little preview of that after the jump. If you wonder how exactly the clothes swapping works we have a little how to that you can read here. Of course you can also just come to party. The event is going to be public, but if you want to secure your entrance you can sign into the guestlist here.
The big swap will start at 21h (a little earlier for all of those that receive premium swapper status by submitting super amazing stuff) and our after party starts at 23h with a DJ set of our second main host of the night: model and mutli-talent Bonnie Strange. It’s going to be a ball! And remember: It’s all for a good cause. All proceeds will be donated to the Berliner Aids-Hilfe e.V. Some previews after the jump.
Bonnie Strange
Dawid Tomaszewski
left: Tiedeken, right: Front Row Society
left: Blame, right: Liebig
left: Guido Maria Kretschmer, right: Franzius
left: Armedangels, right: Âme Soeur
left: Freeman T. Porter, right: Kuyichi
left: selve, right: Liebeskind Berlin
The labels that donated their amazing pieces so far are: Dawid Tomaszewski, The Shit, Michalsky, Franzius, Liebeskind Berlin, Liebig, Blame, Armedangels, Guido Maria Kretschmer, Tiedeken, Âme Soeur, Front Row Society, 5Preview, Kuyichi, selve and Freeman T. Porter. If you want to get more sneak peaks of the donated designer pieces drop by our Designer Scouts website. Some impressions of the SKYY VODKA SWAP MARKET of previous years below:
Friday, September 6th, 2013
Swapping 21h, Party 23h
Stadtbad Oderberger Str. 57/59
10435 Berlin
Register for guestlist here. Für die Gästeliste anmelden.
[wpmaps company=”Stadtbad Oderberger” street=”Oderberger Str. 57/59″ city=”10435 Berlin”]