This is yet another shout-out to one of my favorite musicians of all time: Tori Amos. She is virtuosic piano player and incredible songwriter with a voice made of honey – although she herself describes it as the sound of a fairy on crack. Last week she published her 196th studio album (okay I exaggerated, it’s the 14th, but still!) and tomorrow she will be playing live here in Berlin at Tempodrom. I realize that probably many of you, especially the younger ones, are not familiar with her. But I’m telling you, if you like magical piano sounds and fairy voices, you will love Tori. Her concerts are always very moving and often strike a nerve and reduce me to tears, in a good way.
The new album titled Unrepentant Geraldines has chosen a quite poppy and easily approachable style compared to the previous two that were very classical in sound with orchestras and all that jazz. From all her records this could very well be the least confusing one with friendly melodies and gentle arragements. For me as a die-hard fan it’s actually a little bit to smooth, I like it more crazy. But I have some dear favorites on the record already such as Selkie which she already performed here in Berlin at a press preview a few weeks ago where I also had the chance to shake her hand, as well as Oysters which is a total Tori classic that could easily be on one of her early records, and the amazing duett Promise with her daughter Tash who has such a brilliant jazz voice with so much soul in it. Can’t wait for the concert tomorrow!
After the jump a few samples from the new album Unrepentant Geraldines, a photo of my meet and great with Tori as well as some interview snippets that I really liked. If you want to educate yourself a bit more about her music you have to check this older article of mine with some of her best music videos.