Whenever I speak with people who tell me about their plan to move to Berlin I always listen to their stories patiently before sharing my enthusiasm about the city that will make them want to come here even more. But very often I also give them some cautionary advice about the city. We all know the stories how easy it is to get lost here. It’s a feel-good-place with many possibilities to have fun and get distracted from what you actually came here for. And before you know it you start subletting your WG-Zimmer to tourists, crash at your friends’ places and spend your rent money every weekend on drinks, drugs and club entrances. Your German classes, internship applications and uni enrollment will be quickly forgotten. Berlin is such a temptress in that way.
For me this whole concept of getting lost in the Berlin is perfectly captured in the new video by Rangleklods. You see a lot of the mentioned Berlin lifestyle in it and it’s obvious how it’s on the one side very cool, tempting and sexy, but on the other side also a little destructive and dangerous. The man behind the band started out a few years back here in Berlin but has since then relocated to his home country in Denmark and added another vocalist to the team. Maybe the video to “Lost U” is a little homage to his time in Berlin? I’m only guessing… Enjoy the video after the jump.