Spareribs, Icecream and Whiskey – Bite Club meets Singleton

On Friday the awesome Bite Club street food market had its final edition as an open air at the Spree this year. I was lucky to be invited by Singleton to join the fun and I’m glad I followed their invitation because this turned out to be a massive pleasure for my taste buds. I hadn’t been to this location for the Bite Club in a while and I am glad to see that it has developed so nicely since my last visit with great trucks and booths and an interesting crowd who enjoys good food.

The Singleton took the opportunity at Bite Club to present all their different whiskeys at their lovingly decorated bar where you could get three unique cocktails and at the charming flavor garden where you could have a special tasting experience of the different kinds of whiskey they offer. They had also teamed up with a couple of the other street food vendors to come up with whiskey-infused dishes.

One of them was the Pignut BBQ from the Armeniusmarkthalle in Moabit. I tasted their ribs the first time at the Bite Club BBQ at the Funkhaus Nalepastraße a while back and was blown away by how amazingly delicious these ribs are – the best ones I have ever tasted in Berlin. For this edition of the Bite Club they had a special sauce prepare with Singleton, and one of the cocktails of the Singleton bar had their BBQ sauce as one of the ingredients (sounds unusual but was really nice). The second collaboration was with Jones Icecream who had a special Singletonbites ice cream and cookie mix with a caramel whiskey sauce – yum! After the jump we have some impressions of the Bite Club and a little cocktail recipe video for you.

If these photos wet your appetite for a delicious whiskey cocktail here is a little how-to video:

Thanks for the support by Singleton

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<a href="" target="_self">Frank</a>



Frank is the founder and editor-in-chief of iHeartBerlin. He takes photos, makes videos, and writes texts mostly about what's going on in Berlin. His vision and interests have shaped iHeartBerlin since its conception back in 2007 - and he hopes to continue bringing you the best of Berlin for many years to come.