A City made out of Flesh: Monypolo 2

A city works like a body. It has its central stomach, its green lungs, its concrete skin and streets like arteries running through it. But what makes the head of a city? And will it run the complete system wisely and without any major incidents or will it bring it to death?

In the new theater game Monypolo II by Thea Hoffmann-Axthelm and Prinzip Gonzo the world as we know it does not exist anymore. Inside an abandoned office building in West Berlin, they created a new one. Here everything is divided by functions and organs all working separately desperately looking for a real leader. Between bureaucratic horror and futuristic sensual experience the play leads you through a universe that has no shape and no purpose. And maybe it is a world without a purpose that makes us silently fear the future we are heading towards.

Take your chance to visit the play until July 21, 2017 and make sure to buy your tickets in time. Our photographic impressions of the play below.

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<a href="https://www.iheartberlin.de/author/cr/" target="_self">Claudio</a>

