Fvck War! A 10 Inch Penis Statue Made of Molten Weapons

photos: Magali Caillard

This hefty statue is an anti-war protest and a loud, unapologetic celebration of love, which are two things we’re totally into at iHeartBerlin. Better still, there’s more to it than meets the eye – beyond its simple yet enticing form and the significant message, this piece of work will amaze you in more ways than one.

What does the ”Fuck War” statue actually stand for? According to its creators from AKT Jewels, a Geneva-based team consisting of engineers, designers, and craftsmen, it’s supposed to be ”a way to turn war into a laughing stock”. The creators also maintain the piece is inspired by a quote from an iconic figure that incidentally has a special connection with Berlin – Iggy Pop.

The interesting fact about this pacifistic creation is that it was actually made using destroyed weapons and ammunition, specifically brass from Kalachnikov AK47 ammunition, collected and destroyed by the Swiss Foundation for Mine Action. The golden-colored bronze with a dash of red was achieved by adding the brass of the ammunition to tin.

After the initial preparation of the metal at the l’Ecole Nationale des Arts et Métiers in Cluny, Burgundy (France), the further works on the creations were carried out in Burgundy and South Central France.

This genuine piece of work is coming to town to be exhibited at the Berlin Porn Festival 2018 from 23rd to 28th of October. Come by and see it for yourself!


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<a href="https://www.iheartberlin.de/author/michalina/" target="_self">Michalina</a>

