Do you actually make prints of your digital photos? It’s been a bit more than a year now, that I switched over to digital. But since then I did not even once make prints of my photos. For some reason I don’t like photo albums. So when I found out that you can actually have your photos developed as a professional photobook I was intrigued. I’m currently testing one of the companies that offer this service through trnd. They’re called CEWE Fotobuch and so far it looks pretty solid what they’re bringing to the table.
I have some coupons worth a photobook for you guys. Read on to find out how to get them.
The prices for a photobook from CEWE range from 7,95 to 99,95 depending on size and type of binding. The process is pretty easy: You download a small software, open your folder of images, pop them onto the pages and submit. You can then either pick it up at your nearest drugstore or have it delivered to your house.
If you would like to test it yourself, we have some coupons for 10 EUR. You can get them by leaving a comment below.