There are plenty of new films in the cinemas these days, that are certainly worth forgetting about the world outside the screening room for 90 minutes. But if you ask me there is only one film we need right now.
Of course there are better films, deeper films, more meaningful and arty films than this one, but when you want to get ready for Christmas to stop fighting and begin enjoying the crazy shoppers and Christmas lights, this truly is what you need…
When Love Actually was released 10 years ago, I was living in London and – holy shit – 19 years old. I found the film to be a bit tacky, but sweet, though I certainly wouldn’t have guessed that I’d have any interest 10 years and a completed cinema studies degree later. But each year before Christmas I ask myself, which film could replace it? And so far there’s nothing!
So I suppose I will cheer again when Hugh Grant drives through London to find Natalie, the little Boy chases after his love through the airport and Colin Firth proposes to his girlfriend in Portuguese. Ah it’ll feel like Christmas!