Today we’re living in an exciting world and we have so many opportunities in life. We do not know how the future will be, but we do know how past times looked like and we can compare this to our life today in Berlin. A lot of things today we take for granted: We can quickly move from one place to another, we have a huge amount of different opportunities for culture, entertainment and commerce that offer us everything our hearts desire. But how did Berlin look like before all of this?
The streets were not developed, people walked in crowds on paths that we know today as noisy streets. The attire was very different – dominated by dresses and skirts for women and hats for everyone.
We got a very good look on all of this with a very compelling video that we want to share with you. There are some great shots from the old Berlin in this short film that shows our city in the time around 1900 – all of it colorized. It’s very fascinating to look at the clothes and faces of people. You feel like you’re actually closer to them and everything is quite realistic.
One can not imagine that the Alexanderplatz was once a fairly quiet place with children playing on the streets and happy crowds walking through the city. A Berlin quite different from what we know today – it has its own unique charm.
The video, accompanied by music by Hans Zimmer, you can see after the jump!
Note that the video also features a couple of scenes from equally beautiful Munich 😉