With the theme “Squeeze!”, KVETCH, in collaboration with BLVSH and COVEN created a multidisciplinary event where music, art and performance arts come together. Live acts, DJs, Squeeeeeze! Art Exhibition, Baby drag show and several performances throughout the night as part of Vorspiel 2023 by CTM & Transmediale.
“Squeeeeeze!” Art Exhibition, curated by Raisa Despyri: Auto Christ Sophie Nathan King Nikola Scheibe Lah Porella Kristen Rastas Ben Meyer Stefan Bratl Florian Kibler
Music Acts: Carmen Electro Nobutaka Shomura (LIVE) Konapt (LIVE) Até Nohar INVERNO KÁ b2b Agata Triqi b2b hripsime Mataya Waldenberg (LIVE / performance) Bent Pit Auto Christ & Lars (LIVE / performance)
Performances: “ELF CYBORG TRANCE” by Mataya Waldenberg “EROTOLITERACY” by Nikola Scheibe Baby Drag Hour hosted by tragicDamon