Merry Clitsmas!
Make sure to tenderly treat yourself and your clitoris (yours if you have one, someone else if you don’t). Come with friends, family and/or partner(s) and get enlightened by the powers given to the clitoris.
This event is a market, an exhibition, and an educational journey.
We are organising this to educating our guests and help them reach a healthy sex-life: this year’s edition is enlightening our guests on the topic of the clitoris.
Even though the topic is serious, we aim to make this event entertaining and fun.
This event is organised by Lusty Ice (Sex-Positive Company), but we are in partnership with non-for-profits such as Orchid Project (who fight against FGM).
Our exhibit will donate 60% of its sales to the artist and 40% to Orchid Project foundation.
We are a part of a bigger market event organised by Alte Münze. There will be the Queer Xmas Market, Mobile Kino screening, outdoor food Market, Workshops and Corona Exhibition.