In February 2023, the Komische Oper Berlin will give the starting signal for Schall&Rausch – the new, annual festival for brand-new music theater. On the site of the former Kindl brewery in Berlin-Neukölln, Schall&Rausch invites you to celebrate burning issues and experimental music with pop-cultural glitz and glamour. Unafraid of melodies, beats and strobes, the Komische Oper Berlin brings the music theater to glow for ten days: Performance meets concert, professionals meet amateurs, local meets international.
Be there for …
… Der diskrete Charme der Reduktion (The Discreet Charm of Reduction)
How long can and do we – humanity, its cities and economies – continue to proliferate? Schorsch Kamerun‘s new music theater installation Der diskrete Charme der Reduktion (The Discreet Charm of Reduction) revolves around this fundamental question. Together with the musician PC Nackt, the actress Annemaaike Bakker, artists from the Komische Oper Berlin, the Neuköllner Richardchor and other citizens, he attempts to come to terms with the trauma of the growth dictate.
Schorsch Kamerun goes in search of clues and asks Berliners about growth and withdrawal, about ideas of the common good and sustainability: How can the urge to expand be dealt with in a generally compatible way? What attractive strategies can be found despite material withdrawal? The discreet charm of reduction condenses the collected voices of the Bürger:innen, sorts images, reviews old ideals, and develops a music-theatrical happening between dream imagination and trauma. The audience becomes part of a community that senses through the overwhelming accumulation of things and events, staged spectacle and its decommissioning: change is necessary and possible.
Musician and theater-maker Schorsch Kamerun and his respective top teams examine in their projects the present in which we live. In doing so, they explore our collective perception, direct interventions in public space, and playfully practice participation instead of privatization. Musically, the works search for intersections of U- and E-, written and “accidental” music in the spectrum of free jazz and punk, serial music and modern classical music up to magical electronics.
Language: German
Tickets: 28€