Listening with my eyes

Ebon Heath - Listening with my eyes

No, it’s not the sequel to Eyes Wide Shut (ok, that was lame, sorry) but something much, much better – a new Font exhibition! You know we love our Fonts – and this Friday we’re totally going to go check out Ebon Heath‘s Listening With My Eyes opening reception at the Lucas Carrieri Art Gallery (what some of you might know as ProjektGALERIE) in Torstrasse. More info after the jump.

Ebon Heath - Listening with my eyes

Ebon Heath - Listening with my eyes

Although they had us at the word font, the invitation we received goes on to describe the exhibit as a “fusion between typography and body language in kinetic typographic mobiles”. Thinking font sculptures and font-tastic (haha, yes, I’m feeling a bit cheesy today) prints that draw you in. Sounds sexy to me, I’m definitely going to head down on Friday. Anyone else?

Until then, I’ll be listening with my eyes and dancing with my words, waiting for tomorrow to come!

Ebon Heath - Listening with my eyes

Listening With My Eyes
Ebon Heath

Opening reception 05.06.2009, 19h

Lucas Carrieri Art Gallery
Torstrasse 96
10111 Berlin
Tue-Sat, 14-20h

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