Light Asylum
Hello again, auch diese Woche wieder volles Programm in Berlin, diesmal mit nem Konzert von Light Asylum, ner öffentlichen Probe vom neuen Stück von DorkyPark, der Jägermeister Wirtshaustour, ner Cluberöffnung in Neukölln und und und. Es wird spannend! Die Events nach dem Klick.
Tuesday, Mar 27
Light Asylum are playing live at Flamingo, accompanied by a DJ set from Planningtorock. Hot! Starts at 22h, Kleine Präsidentenstr. at Monbijoupark.
Wednesday, Mar 28
The Mindpirates are screening the futuristic movie Revision – Apocalypse II with an apocalyptic DJ set after the film. Schlesische Str. 38, 20h.
Thursday, Mar 29
Event series Brave Exhibitons from London is having a session in Berlin with live performances by HNN and ANY. Takes place at Chesters Inn, Glogauer Str. 2, 21h.
Friday, Mar 30
Berlin-based young fashion label BLAME is having a pop-up store at Baerck, Mulackstr. 12 starting at 12h, this Friday and Saturday.
Constanza Macras’ company Dorky Park is having a public rehearsal of their new production Open For Everything about the life of the travelling Roma. Dorky Park Studio, Klosterstr. 44, 18:30h.
The original Jägermeister Wirtshaustour is on again in 2012 this Friday in Berlin with dubstep-electro acts Tek-One, Eskimo Callboy and Dumme Jungs at Loftus Hall, Maybachufer 48. Read all about the tour and register for the guestlist over at
The third edition of the BodyControlled series at LEAP presents a group of performing artists incluging Trio Brachiale and Knyppel using diverse feedback procedures as a motor for their performance work. Doors open at 20h, performances at 21h, Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 13, entrance over the exterior staircase behind the ticket office.
Saturday, Mar 31
After the closing of Enklave Neukölln is getting a new small club/bar. The name: the CLUB. That name is pretty spot on, isn’t it? Celebrates its grand opening at 20h, Biebrichstr. 14.
Sunday, Apr 1
Apartment Sale with labels such as Esther Perbandt, JULIAANDBEN, DTSM, A.D.Deertz, Reality Studio, Butterfly Soulfire and many more. Memhardtstr. 8, 14-18h. Come early, or even earlier than 14h to get the good stuff.