Marina And The Diamonds
Diese Woche gibt es ne ganze Reihe an tollen Konzerten (hauptsächlich im Rahmen des Melt Club Weekenders), darunter Austra, Marina And The Diamonds und die Ting Tings. Außerdem gibt es den ersten queer Prom, ein Französisch-Polnisches Fusion Dinner und nen neuen Blind Date Swingers Club. Diese und viele weitere Events nach dem Klick.
Monday, May 21
Shameless Limitless present live concerts of San Francisco-based electro act Blackbird Blackbird and Berlin-based performer Molly Nielsson at Naherholung Sternchen, Berolinastr. 7 starting at 21h.
Tuesday, May 22
With the great weather the following party at Badeschiff is just the right thing: Dancing with sand in my Crotch with live act Godmother and DJ sets by Joey Hansom, Brax Moody and Vamparela. Eichenstr. 4, 20h.
At this week’s edition of Family Times at Merkezi it’s Oui Oui Oui & Tak Tak Tak – a French-Polish fusion dinner. Enjoy a basic free menu, get a drink at the bar and enjoy the music from local DJs. Adalbertstr. 5/6, 21h.
Wednesday, May 23
Hamburg-based electronic music label Fauxpas Musik is paying Berlin a visit at HBC, Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 9, 21h, with an exclusive piano concert by Sven Weisemann, a live performance by Yoko Duo and a DJ set by Acid.
Thursday, May 24
Today the big fat Divine Heights Queer Prom is taking place at 3 Schwestern at Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2, starting at 22h. There is going to be a live show by Nuclear Family, DJ sets by Joey Hansom, Dickey Doo and DyCe, as well as the election of the Prom (Drag) Queen, Prom (Drag) King and – for gender fairness – the Prom Androgynous Monarch. The winner will have the honor to receive a special tiara/crown made by Persona Non Grata.
Friday, May 25
The C|O Berlin gallery presents the Book Days on May 25 and 26. There will be readings, talks, concerts, presentations and much more all about books. Have a look at the program here.
Another Blind Date Swingers Club is taking place at Rote Lotte, Oderbergerstr. 38, starting at 21h with the famous mix CD exchange. DJs: Emilio from the It Boys! and Stephane Argillet.
The Melt Festival is already sold out this year, but at least we have the Melt Club Weekender coming up this weekend at Astra Kulturhaus with great acts on three days. Tickets go for 54 for the whole three days and 22 EUR for individual nights. Revalerstr. 99. On Friday it starts early on 20h, with Austra, Miike Snow and The Hundreds In The Hands.
VOID at Backyard, Gitschiner Str. 22, 23h, with DJ sets by Austra, Body II Body, Easton West and more.
Saturday, May 26
The Mindpirates are hosting the performance Tableaux Vivant by artist Mike Hentz starting at 18h and followed by an after party at midnight. Schlesische Str. 38.
HBC is opening the group exhibition C.S.E.J. that is made by artists who are also musicians. They are Cherie (Warren Suicide), Swag (Dean Rosenzweig), Eliot and Jim Avignon (Neoangin). There will be a lot going on at the opening, including performances, installations and screenings. The exhibition will stay on until June 2, 2012. Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 9.
Melt Club Weekender at Astra Kulturhaus, Revalerstr. 99, 22h, with Crookers, Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs and Slagsmalsklubben.
Sunday, May 27
Melt Club Weekender at Astra Kulturhaus, Revalerstr. 99, 22h, with The Ting Tings, Marina And The Diamonds and Karin Park.