Diese Woche haben wir zwei ganz wichtige Events, die leider fast zeitgleich stattfinden. Zum ersten eröffnet am Samstagabend der neue Veranstaltungsort +-0, der von den Gründern des HBC betrieben wird. Vor ein paar Wochen war ich bereits auf einer kleinen Preview dort und war ziemlich beeindruckt von dem riesigen industriellen Gebäude direkt neben dem Postbahnhof. iHeartBerlin wird auch mit einer GIF Installation bei der Human Zoo Performance im Keller auf der After Party teilnehmen.
Zum zweiten feiert eine unserer liebsten Bloggerkolleginnen, Jessica Weiß, den Launch ihres neuen Blogs Journelles im Picknick. Dies und vieles mehr nach dem Klick.
20:30h – Mobile Kino – With the current round of violence happening in Israel and Palestine, Mobile Kino is showing The War You Don’t See – a documentary charting the history of the conflict from an unbiased viewpoint. Naherholung Sternchen, Berolina Str. 7.
20:30h – We Are Not Gemüsed – The Sameheads are presenting their weekly comedy open-stage for English speaking comidians. Richardstr. 10.
Wednesday, November 21
21:30h – Shameless/Limitless – Our friends from Shameless/Limitless are DJing at Das Gift, Donaustr. 119. It’s their final gig their for a while as they are taking a winter break.
Thursday, November 22
19:00h – Bright Gloom – Upperorange Gallery opens the exhibtion Bright Gloom by artist Herr Müller. Torstr. 109. Exhibition runs until December 5th 2012.
20:00h – The Decay Parlour Grand Opening – Artist Myra Brodsky is opening her tattoo parlour with a big party at Rykestr. 35. Jackee Word is DJing at the occasian.
20:00h – Fernsehensüchtig: a Haunted House – Performance experi(ment)+(ence) orchestrated by Justin F Kennedy. Takes place November 22-25 at Gemeindesaal Immanuelkirchstr. 1a, hourly tours each night at 20h, 21h, 22h, & 23h. reservations required. sliding scale: minimum 4EUR for reservations & info contact: sfinx06@yahoo.com
Friday, November 23
19:00h – Baubles and Bubbles – Berlin-based jewellery designer (and iHeartBerlin guest writer) Mies Nobis is hosting a pre-Christmas sale event with blogger Mia from Heylilahey at co-sewing space Nadelwald, Friedelstr. 11.
19:00h – Beautiful Freaks – Photographer Ralf Obergfell is opening his studio gallery for one night to show the exhibition Beautiful Freaks that has its origin in the mid-2000s of East London’s gender-bending Electro scene. Heidelberger Str. 31.
19:30h – Impressions – Vintage Boutique Rag & Bone Man are presenting the solo exhibition Impressions by painter Benjamin Martin in their backroom gallery. Briesestr. 9.
21:00h – No.One Magazine #2 Release Party – No.One – a magazine for experimental graphic design – is celebrating the release of its second issue Lösung (Solution) at Naherholung Sternchen, Berolina Str. 7.
21:00h – Laura Clock + Crime + Big Eater – Playing live at Marie Antoinette, Holzmarktstr. 15-18, Bogen 47.
23:00h – Pet Shop Bears – Dancing gay bears at Berghain Kantine with Alkaline at Berghain Kantine, Am Wriezener Bahnhof.
Saturday, November 24
20:00h – Maximilian Hecker live – In celebration of the release of his record and his new autobiography Berlin-based singer/songwriter Maximilian Hecker is giving a concert with vocalist Felix Räuber at the HomeBaseClub, the former HBC at Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 9.
21:00h – +-0 Opening – The guys who used to run the HBC are opening their new temporary space +-0 dedicated to performance tonight in the old building right next to Postbahnhof at Straße der Pariser Kommune 8. A big exhibition curated by Nadim Samman opens at 21h followed by an after party and Human Zoo performances that we will also be part of in some capacity (we’ll have a GIF installation there).
23:00h – Journelles Launch Party – Jessica Weiß, founder of LesMads, is celebrating the launch of her new website Journelles at Picknick, Dorotheenstr. 90, with Cannibal Koffer live and DJ sets by Palina and more.
23:00h – Gutterslut – The London-based party returns to Berlin for a slutty queer party at Vögelchen, Eisenbahnstr. 6.
23:00h – arm&sexy – It’s going to be full again at Bienenkorb, Hermannstr. 164.
Sunday, November 25
16:00h – Sunday Funday – Shameless/Limitless and Puschen present an afternoon concert with Canadian acts Mac DeMarco and Each Other along with DJ sets, drinks and baked goods. Monarch, Skalitzerstr. 134 (1st. floor).